UKCIL Has Launched Nationally In The UK

UKCIL has launched nationally allowing people in the care industry, all over the country, who are seeking support, to easily sign up and advertise for PA jobs.

Whether you are an individual employer or a CIL organisation, UKCIL helps users to find and hire personal assistants easily and quickly.

What is UKCIL?

Centres for Independent Living support people to organise their health and wellbeing across the UK. UKCIL is a new recruitment platform designed to help individuals and CIL organisations to hire personal care assistants quickly.


The care industry has lagged behind state of the art developments in recruitment technology which can match the preferences of customers seeking support with personal assistants looking for work in any given area. UKCIL links to major recruitment platforms and selects the personal assistants with the closest match to the requirements of the employing customer.

It is secure, fast, efficient and cost-effective. UKCIL is available via any web browser. No software to download.


Following a year of trials with LeedsCIL, the system has been developed for a UK wide application. A single dashboard provides the organisation with a view of all employers seeking staff and immediate details of all applicants. Individual employers can manage their own recruitment or have the process supported by their local CIL.

Sign up now.