NHS England Is Running A Survey To Enquire About Personal Budget Holders' Experiences
NHS England is gathering information through a survey to understand the progress of implementation of personal health budgets, integrated personal budgets and personal wheelchair budgets.

NHS England is gathering information through a survey to understand the progress of implementation of personal health budgets, integrated personal budgets and personal wheelchair budgets.
The survey is available online at: www.myonlinesurvey.co.uk/PHWB19
It can be completed by budget holders, or their family or carers on their behalf. The NHS is only interested in the views of the budget holders and so they do not want anyone else to answer the questions.
Budget holders who are looking for more information can also phone the Quality Health FREEPHONE helpline number on 0800 783 1775. The helpline will also help you to complete the questionnaire – including organising a translation service – or will even print a copy for you to be posted out for offline completion.
If you'd like a say on what your experience as a personal budget holder is, please make sure to visit www.myonlinesurvey.co.uk/PHWB19. The survey closes on 14 May 2019 and it will only take 30 minutes to complete.